Constant Havoc

Yes, I thought about this stuff before I put it here.

Category: Uncategorized


by winningwithbipolar

My birthday is next week.

I started dating a man this month, and it’s going well.

I’ve started with a new therapist. He’s also gay, and he’s a specialist in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. He rocks, and the method rocks! I’m concentrating on detaching from my emotions in the same way I’ve learned to detach from my thoughts through years of daily meditation. It’s working.

The US Supreme Court today gave businesses permission to discriminate against me. Sigh. I’ll have more to say on that in the coming days.

Here’s a picture of my cat Saki to enjoy instead of the stream of awful news.

Getting Some Things Off My Chest

by Jake McPherson


Positive thinking does not change systemic, structural barriers that have existed for hundreds of years and longer to keep certain groups in a lower socio-economic status or otherwise disadvantaged.

Simply thinking better of myself is beneficial for me as an individual, but it does not change the stigma placed against me as a gay man, and it doesn’t stop the homophobic attacks that kill and maim my gay friends and cause me to have fear.


When I am abused by individuals or larger groups or the system, the abusers do not get the right to tell me what I experienced. My voice can sing alone or join in chorus with others and denounce the hate I experience.


You do not get to claim to be a victim when you are rightly caught abusing other people. You do not have an inalienable right to commit abuse or spread hate.


Public employees do not get to choose how they enforce the laws based on how they perceive the people they are presently addressing. We are all equal before the law.


My civil rights trump your religion.


The world is a very complicated place. We should all beware of anyone telling us they understand it and can fix it.


Fear is poison. It’s also an instinctual drive.


Critical thinking skills should be nurtured.


I am not perfect. I love myself.


Much of what is wrong with the world can be traced to a need to control.


The world is a mess. The world is exquisite.


I have a feeling that life is so intricately complex that we can’t fathom it as a whole.


There is much in the world that may cause despair. I think we’re improving on the whole.

50 Years Later

by Jake McPherson

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the March on Washington on August 28, 1963.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the March on Washington on August 28, 1963.

With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.